Milla Jovovich of the most famous actresses Hollywood, was born in December 1975, was born in Ukraine and her father was a doctor and her mother was an actress, was a fashion model miles, actress, ballerina Portal was one of the more fame when he played the role in The Fifth Element with Bruce .Willis
ميلا جوفوفيتش من اشهر ممثلات افلام هوليود،ولدت فى ديسمبر عام 1975،ولدت فى اوكرانيا والدها كان طبيب ووالدتها كانت ممثلة ،كانت ميلا عارضة ازياء ،وممثلة ،وراقصة بالية .و كانت من اكثر شهرتها عندما لعبت دور فى العنصر الخامس مع بروس ويليس .
Milla Jovovich |
Milla Jovovich |
Milla Jovovich |
Milla Jovovich |
Milla Jovovich |
Milla Jovovich |
Milla Jovovich |
Milla Jovovich |
Milla Jovovich |
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